Adderstone Foundation strives to support educational charities, projects and programmes through our links with schools and charitites.
We endeavour to improve access to educational tools, equipment, methods and teaching for both children and adults.
West Jesmond Primary School
Over the years, our fundraising has helped children and adults access quality education, such as buying specialist software to help improve school children’s reading skills for West Jesmond Primary School, Newcastle upon Tyne.
We are always delighted to hear positive stories about the result of our funding. Gary Wallis-Clarke, Head Teacher of West Jesmond Primary School said: “We would like to thank Adderstone Foundation for their generous donation. The funds have created a huge impact on the progress of pupils and their reading.
“We assessed the pupils at the start of the trial and after three months the results were fantastic. On average, our pupils’ reading age went up by twelve and a half months after three months. While working on the programme, one boy has made a staggering two and a half years of progress!”
Adderstone Foundation supports World Vision’s Girls’ Education Challenge project in Zimbabwe
World Vision is the world’s largest international children’s charity, working to bring real hope to millions of children in the world’s most deprived places. Poverty, conflict and disaster leave millions of children living in fear; fear of hunger and disease; fear of violence, conflict and exploitation; fear that robs them of a childhood.
Our generous donation has been given specifically to the Girls’ Education Challenge Project, an innovative and effective programme that will see the lives of 49,000 girls in the most deprived districts of rural Zimbabwe transformed. With help from the Foundation, World Vision is empowering and educating girls across 500 schools in the most deprived districts of rural Zimbabwe to overcome financial, physical and social obstacles that stand in the way of their right to an education.